I’m a Charity

We asked charities about the context and motivations that led to them using digital design principles in their work. Here are the most common scenarios:

I’m about to start building a product or service

See the scenario

I want to get colleagues to work in this way

See the scenario

I’m writing a bid

See the scenario

I’m building a digital product/service and I want to make sure I’m doing it right

See the scenario

I want to get senior management buy-in

See the scenario

Other things you might want to consider:

These items are part of a larger overall Checklist for Charity members. Take a look at the whole collection here:

The Charity Checklist

See the Checklist

Is your situation not covered here?
Then tell us about it!

We're always always looking to understand more about the situations in which people may need to apply the principles. Drop us a quick mail on and let us know in a sentence or two what the situation is.

Suggest a scenario to us!